"You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending"

Hear For You Counselling & Therapy is not a spelling mistake. It is my way of letting you know that I am here for you, and I do hear you.
I am human, and, just like you right now, I have felt lost, I ‘ve needed help, I have needed to learn about me, why I did some things, why I didn’t do other things. As part of my personal counselling journey, finding a brilliant therapist that I really connected, with was the best thing I ever did.
Having someone be there completely focusing on you, for that hour together, knowing you can say absolutely anything you need too, without fear of being judged, simply listening, supporting and being beside you, is the most invaluable support there can be.
I can’t promise you it will always be an easy journey, but I can promise you I will be there with you every step of the way. Here for you and hearing you.
People have been my business for 30 plus years. I guess you can tell from this I am a ‘mature’ woman, and I do have a sense of humour, it helps!
I have worked in commercial human resource roles, I have been a youth worker, I have worked in training and development and I am a qualified therapeutic counsellor. I do people!
I love my counselling work, its heart-warming and fulfilling, though sometimes, in all honesty, its incredibly difficult. When I work with a client who finds their ‘peace’ after we have worked together there really is no better feeling.
During my time working with people, working through my own training and skills development, and picking my way through my own personal journey, I have learned a lot about empathy and patience and acceptance.
I am caring professional, respectful, discrete, and non-judgmental and above all else, I am human too.
Please get in touch via any of the methods on this page
Debra Wainwright
Kingston Upon Hull